COVID-19 Update

As a company ingrained in the health and safety industry, EMI is here to support and help you during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


We understand workplace safety doesn’t cease even in a pandemic.  That’s why EMI is continuing to provide training and expanding our training opportunities to our clients during this time.

  • In-Person Training.  EMI is still offering in-person training.  We have taken additional steps to ensure a safe and healthy place for our employees and students.
  • Online Training. EMI is now offering online training courses. These classes are done live, allowing individuals the opportunity to ask questions from EMI’s health and safety professionals while taking the class from their home or workplace.
  • SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) Training.  EMI has been teaching individuals and companies how to stay safe around contamination and make workplaces safe for over 30 years.  Let EMI train your company on how to safely decontaminate your workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic using EPA-approved disinfectants and CDC guidelines.

Feel free to contact EMI’s Training Department at (907) 272-8852 or for more details or to schedule training.


EMI’s Consulting Department remains in operation during COVID-19.  As our training department can provide in person or online training, EMI Consulting can provide you plans specific to your facility and business to guide your team.  Not only can we provide decontamination plans, EMI can oversee and/or actually IMPLEMENT the decontamination of your site.  EMI can also perform the testing of the facility to ensure the effectiveness of the cleaning. EMI is here to be your full-service health and safety company.

Feel free to reach EMI’s Consulting Department at (907) 272-9336 or to see how we can best serve you. 

As always, we appreciate your business and support in this unprecedented and changing business environment.

Corrie, Larry H., and Shayla